Hi! My name is Karla Sorensen. Please join me while I travel to Maryland to study Climate Change and Fragmented Forests.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Your very first blog assignment!

Welcome to my blog, everybody! Though I will miss seeing all your beautiful faces, I am super excited about my upcoming research trip. Hours of hiking, living in the woods, canoeing, doing science...ya' gotta know I'll love it! I will be doing research from Nov. 29th - Dec 4th, and then I'll spend a day and a half in Washington, D.C. to learn all about our country's history!

But just because I'm gone, you DON'T get to stop working! I'll be checking this site every day to make sure that you have commented, so I need to make sure you know how to comment.

Your first assignment is to read the following info that I got from the program and answer the questions below.

"The research will be based on 1 hectare sample plots that have been set up in forest patches of different sizes and species compositions.

In each plot, all trees larger than 5 cm in diameter will be tagged, numbered, identified to species, and have their diameter measured.

To monitor tree growth responses to climate, dendrometers will be attached to some of the trees. Dendrometers are bands wrapped around trees using springs, that stretch as the tree grows, and include marker points that allow small changes in tree size to be recorded over short, even monthly, timescales.

Another rapid response of trees to climate is the production and loss of leaves...Leaf production can be recorded visually and by taking photographs of the forest canopy from below while falling leaves will be collected in litter traps...

Eventually all trees dies, and their stems and branches...[become] important habitats for many animals and their prey, and support the multitude of fungi that break down wood for food and release the carbon stored therein back to the atmosphere. The quantity of dead wood on the forest floor will be recorded.

A small number of key animal species, such as deer, will be selected for study. Their reproduction, growth, and migration through the landscape will be monitored."


(**remember to type your answers in Word first and then copy them into the comment box of the blog**)

1. Look up how big a hectare is in meters. How big is it compared to a sport's field or court?

2. List 9 research activities I might do during the week.

3. Predict what my favorite part about the whole experience will be!


At November 24, 2009 at 8:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


*1.A hectare is estimated at about 2.5 acres and a football field is a little bigger than an acre. A hectare is about 2 times bigger than a football field.

1.trees will be tagged
2.their diameter will be measured
3.identify species
4.monitor tree growth
5.dendrometers will be put on trees to track growth
6.track leaf growth
7.track leaf loss
8.take photographs
9.track deer reproduction and migration rate.

*3. I think your favorite experience will be taking the photographs of the trees and tracking the deer.

At November 24, 2009 at 9:38 AM , Anonymous myisha I said...

1. A hectare is 10000 square meters.
Hectare is 10,000 square meters the same as a football field.
2. They will tagged all trees that are 5cm, number them, identified species, measure their diameters, they monitor tree growth responses to climate, dendrometers will be attached to some of the trees, take photographs from below, leaf production, and canoeing.
3. Maybe leaf production, because that’s something like an experiment you would probably like.

At November 24, 2009 at 9:49 AM , Anonymous Demonte said...

hectare10,000 square meters two football fields

tagging trees, finding out species, measuring diameter, production and loss of leaves, collecting falling leaves, numbering trees dendrometers will be attached, they will record the quanity of dead wood on the forest floor , hiking, canoeing

Getting to go learn new stuff about science

At November 24, 2009 at 10:24 AM , Anonymous Dominique Starr said...

1. 1 hectare = 10,000 square meters, about two soccer fields.

2. monitoring migration through landscape, you will use the dichotomous key, you will be numbering and tagging trees, taking pictures of trees,identify tree speeches,put in markers that make small changes in tree size,recording the amount of dead wood on the floor, measuring the growth of leaves, and last you will use dedrometers to monitor tree growth.

3. I think the best thing to you would be just going!!.. but if anything i think it would be just blogging about all the stuff you will learn.

At November 24, 2009 at 10:36 AM , Anonymous Tyron Searight said...

1. Look up how big a hectare is in meters. How big is it compared to a sport's field or court? A hectare is a 10,000 square meters , or 107,637 square feet; same size as a four hundred meter track field

2. List 9 research activities I might do during the week? Monitor tree growth responses to climate, Visually record leaf growth, Select a small number of key animal species to study, Measure trees larger than 5 cm in diameter will be tagged, numbered identified to species, Record the amount of dead wood on the forest floor, Record small changes in tree size, Monitor reproduction, growth, and migration throughout the landscape.

3. A free vacation

At November 24, 2009 at 11:18 AM , Anonymous Shakiyla Grant said...

1. A hectare is 10000 square meters. A football field is a little smaller
Than a hectare.

2. Tagging trees, number trees, Identify species, measure diameters, take photographs, collect leaves, break down wood, releasing carbon, and study animals.

3. Think your favorite part of the trip will be hiking, and being put outdoors.

At November 24, 2009 at 11:28 AM , Anonymous denzel warren said...

1. a hectare is 10,000 m2
2. taken pictures, looking how animals live, mapping trees, number the trees, attach dendrometers, measure dendrometers, identify the different species, record leaf production, the quantity of dead wood will be recorded.
3. discovering a new place and studying the earth.

At December 2, 2009 at 10:38 AM , Anonymous ANTONISHA COLE said...



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